Sunday, July 19, 2015

Self Reflection Sunday

Oprah has Super Soul Sunday, many churches try to help people learn something about themselves and how they interact in the world and of course, there are oracle cards, psychics, name meanings, the internet (!) and a myriad of other ways to learn a little something about yourself too.  

After church on Sundays, I spend a little time playing with FB quizzes just for fun. Sometimes they lead to other sites and tools that I get sucked into and today's practice is one of them.  I actually have two for you, but first things first.

16 Personalities is the one I'm playing with today - it's basically a Meyers-Briggs analysis, but it's quick, it's online and it's easy to understand - three things I always appreciate so I don't have to expend too much brain power on a day of rest!  I asked my family to take it and let me know what they got, now that my kids are grown and launched, it will be interesting to learn about them as adults. I'm going to strongly hint that my son and his lovely fiance` take it as well - could help them a lot as they're starting out.  

Having a practice that helps you see where you are right now (present) in terms of personal growth can help you set your next goals to where you want to go in life, career, relationships, etc (progress).  I think many areas of our society have become so surface, sound byte & soulless, that we need to step off the crazy-wheel sometimes and spend some time contemplating our deeper selves.  I also think with all the surface emphasis on mindfulness, meditation and contemplation that's out there, many people may just be performing the motions instead of really doing the deep work. Don't let yourself be one of the surface surfers.

The second recommendation I have for you this week is one that our family learned about in church about 15+ years ago.  It may be familiar to you, but in case you haven't heard of it, it really changed how I related to my spouse and kids and to this day, I thank Fr. Bernie for introducing us to it. I don't know if my family even realized that's how I was communicating with them, but I would lay odds that's why we didn't have the drama, battles and arguments that plague many families - especially with teens. Either that or they're all passive-aggressive and really don't like me much. Somehow, I don't think that's it...

It is the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. This may be an oldie but a goodie, but revisiting it this week has been helpful for me to remember that not everyone thinks like I do (which I was reminded of in the 16 personalities test, so what goes around...).  The link will take you to quizzes for couples, singles, teens, kids and parents, so you're pretty much covered. Do it as a family - it brings up some interesting discussions.


That's the practice for this week, or for your Self-reflective Sunday if you decide to start one.
Pax always, HMWT 

Here's a bonus link that seemed to fit well with what I'm thinking about today, enjoy! Bonus: 11:11