Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving as a portal to a peaceful & joyful season.

Several of my Reiki friends have asked for tips to manage mindfulness during the holiday season. Just from the way I used to be crazed and resentful of the holiday expectations (all self-imposed, I assure you!), I know this is something many need to re-frame and refocus on the peaceful and joy-filled purpose of the season. Here are a few of the tips I shared - and don't forget to check the practices page for a few more. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and eat whatever you want - mindfully and slowly - then you won't eat too much and will truly be thankful for the food and traditions we have to be grateful for!
Reiki helps me stay focused and centered during the holidays - here are some of the ways I use it for myself and my family/friends:
1) Before I write my holiday cards, I bless the stack of address cards with Reiki, asking that those who receive our greetings be peaceful, joy-filled and blessed for the season and next year.  As I seal each envelope, I use the power symbol to seal it with divine love.
2) Whenever we do holiday baking, we gather all the ingredients and ask that Reiki blessings be given to everyone who shares our goodies. Then we bless them as we put them in the oven and again when we make the cookie trays or boxes we share with others.
3) Every day, I take 5 minutes to sit in front of the Christmas tree and give myself Reiki while also being grateful for each of the ornaments we have had handed down, gifted or created over the years.  This is different than the Advent meditations we do around our traditional advent wreath, though we use it to remind us of the peaceful reason for the season too.
4) We purchase gifts for the giving tree or angel tree programs at our church.  I bless each gift with a little Reiki so the recipient will feel the genuine concern and care we are sending with their gifts.