Have you noticed the growing presence of mindfulness, meditation and stress management in the mainstream media lately - over the past couple of years or so? Some of them are more trustworthy than others and I believe you can try any kind you want without fear of divine retribution - Intention is everything. Most of these bring peace of mind for a short time as well as, over time, in the long term. Research is showing that the health benefits of some kind of stillness/quiet practice has long term health benefits. It's also a great way to deepen and examine your connection with the Divine if you are so inclined. Enjoy a few for yourself below. If you choose one thing to try every day until you find the one that helps you feel the calmest, you will have given yourself a great gift.
I believe part of my role in the universe is to share these resources and give people the best bits in a sea of choices. Now, I realize that means I'm making the selection of which ones someone may see, but ultimately, I am compiling the list for me and sharing it with you, so the original intent of my idea for this space is intact.
A review of my current favorite places/people/gurus for all things mindful are (in no particular order): Sharon Salzberg, Eizabeth Scott, Richard Rohr, and the Insight Timer app.
In the past, I have also learned much from Sr. Joan Chittester, Vinita Wright Hampton, Mark Nepo and, yes, Oprah. We find our sources of comfort in many places. See the Resouces & Practices pages.
While Elizabeth Scott is a great source for stress management, I like her meditation stuff too, and since Sharon Salzberg has communicated that August is Lovingkindness meditation month, here is a link for beginners. Click here.
For a fun and relaxing way to manage your stress, take yourself to this article, then these pages to start working on some mandalas for stress relief. Don't get all caught up in doing it "right", just choose the colors you feel and play!
As the Frugal Gourmet used to say, "I bid you peace".