Monday, December 15, 2014

if Anderson Cooper does it...

Well, we all get to where we are on our path when we are supposed to. It's just that when Anderson Cooper gets there, it becomes mainstream, which is a good thing!  Last night, Anderson did a story on 60 minutes about mindfulness. I admit, at first felt a little concern that he was not going to to give it the importance it deserved, or talk to the people who really know what it is.  Thanks for coming through Anderson! 

He spoke to the master, my guru and the man I consider the penultimate authority on mindfulness in the Western world, Jon Kabat Zinn.  He has been bringing mindfulness to us for 40 years and NOW:
  • Google has a full time person who leads mindfulness and stress management,
  • Congress has an Ohio rep bringing it to the staffers and people on the hill and 
  • they've made 60 minutes.  (Ego moment:) I was so ahead of my time!!  

Have Meditation, Will Travel has been around since 2004.  It is my Reiki practice, meditation/mindfulness coaching and stress management education company. But you shouldn't try to start a company - even when you know it's the next BIG THING - if you don't have the time to devote to it.  I split my time between my GED teaching, then went full time with that and decided that HMWT had to be a hobby, because it just wasn't going to pay me enough to get my kids through college with a minimum of debt on the other side.  So I back-burnered it and mindfulness, stress management and meditation took off without me. 

But what is it I really want it to be? In my mission statement, I say, "... full service stress management and relaxation [need to change that!] education company.  Classes are offered to teach and maintain a stress management, meditation or relaxation practice for women, couples, families, teens, ministry teams, organizational departments or anyone else who experiences stress in their life.  Workshop lengths vary from one hour to a two-day retreat and include presentation and practice of a variety of stress management, meditation and quiet prayer strategies and techniques (Have Meditation). Sessions can be set-up in a variety of locations (Will Travel) including private homes, offices, churches and community venues."  See what I mean about ahead of my time????

So, I'm really happy that 60 minutes did this story. I'm really happy that Anderson is finding his bliss and I'm glad Jon Kabat-Zinn got the credit for beginning the movement. But, (you knew there was a but coming didn't you?) the fact that I've been using this with my students in the jail classes and Lakeshore classes and adult basic education world for years does rankle the ego a bit - OK, more than a bit, I'm human!  So my journey will be to accept that if it's infinite, there's room for everyone to take part and if I really want it, I have to work for it, it's not just going to happen.  I am the Lake County, IL Google person who runs meditation/stress management classes for a big company (Like Abbott), I'm just biding my time while I finish my soul work to get there...

I am going to email the congressman about MindUP, the Goldie Hawn foundation program that's been in schools for a LONG time already.  Don't want them spending my tax dollars to reinvent the wheel!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Anyone else getting these messages???

This week, the long awaited mini-series The Red Tent, based on the book by Anita Diamante, aired on Lifetime. I'm sure they'll be replaying it often.  It is about women, sharing, connection and the (fictional) hidden ancient practices of the biblical Jacob's wives, daughters & other women.  What I loved about the book, and the miniseries, is how the women knew that they were the key to life.  They were the teachers, the nurture-ers, the connectors, the listeners. They sustained each other through sharing traditions, stories and ritual. All the things we can be if we are PRESENT to those around us, PRACTICE those ego-releasing listening skills and help our world PROGRESS to a better place.  

In that light, this morning, Parker J. Palmer had a wonderful story he shared on his FaceBook page that I also want to share. It shows that we CAN still hope, work and create a world of sharing, peace & presence. Enjoy! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pre-Christmas & Winter holiday practices...

Good day to you! For me, Advent is a time of quiet reflection and waiting. I used to get caught up in the holiday crazies, but finally decided it just wasn't worth it.  So I found some great resources to keep me grounded and centered, learned about other cultures winter rituals and traditions and am pretty much able to stay present and keep my perspective.  I admit is was significantly more difficult when my kids were little, but now I have the luxury of having more time to myself without all the fundraisers and bake sales and competitions and commitments. I wouldn't give up that time in my life for anything, it was wonderful and fun and my kids are amazing people. I do wish I had stayed present for more of it and included some of the mindfulness practices I now use daily, but you know what "they" say about hindsight - while I don't usually listen to them, this time they have a point!

So, I'm sharing a couple of links that I just love for your December, hope you enjoy them and take time to breathe and dream every day - even just for two minutes! Pax.

Vinita Hampton Wright - Days of Deepening Friendship

Another one of my favorites:
Advent in 2 minutes from Busted Halo 

And, in honor of those with other traditions:
Thich Nhat Hanh column 
Interfaith Voices podcast on the season of darkness 

Know that I think of you and send blessings and peace every time I see holiday lights of every kind!