Sometimes, finding the PRACTICEs to help you stay PRESENT requires a little help.  I have experienced growth and learning and make daily PROGRESS through all these places. If you haven't heard of them, I hope they inspire you too.  

August 2015 additions - some of my favorites:
Sharon Salzberg

Eizabeth Scott 

Insight Timer app

Sr. Joan Chittester

Vinita Wright Hampton

Mark Nepo  Offers short to long meditations to add to your busy day to keep yourself Present. - Center for Action and Contemplation, Fr. Richard Rohr - an online magazine for spiritual seekers

The Reiki Share Project - an affiliation I treasure for their mission, vision and action.

Have Meditation, Will Travel - my website - still under construction for 10 years, but maybe this will motivate me to keep working on it!

FastDay - my favorite intermittent fasting website. Support, encouragement, information - it's all there. Stress Management - This site and was a great beginning for me when I realized I could control my reaction to the things that were the inevitable ordinary events of everyday life. I don't know if she'll ever know how much I appreciate her work!

Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic Teacher & Practitioner
For Christmas, my husband enrolled me in Sandra's 7-week "Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing". It was a beautiful course - well designed through The Shift Network and worth every penny. I decided to take part 2 starting in a couple weeks. 

to be continued...