Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Anyone else getting these messages???

This week, the long awaited mini-series The Red Tent, based on the book by Anita Diamante, aired on Lifetime. I'm sure they'll be replaying it often.  It is about women, sharing, connection and the (fictional) hidden ancient practices of the biblical Jacob's wives, daughters & other women.  What I loved about the book, and the miniseries, is how the women knew that they were the key to life.  They were the teachers, the nurture-ers, the connectors, the listeners. They sustained each other through sharing traditions, stories and ritual. All the things we can be if we are PRESENT to those around us, PRACTICE those ego-releasing listening skills and help our world PROGRESS to a better place.  

In that light, this morning, Parker J. Palmer had a wonderful story he shared on his FaceBook page that I also want to share. It shows that we CAN still hope, work and create a world of sharing, peace & presence. Enjoy!