Saturday, February 28, 2015

No, NO, 1000 times NO!!!

This week, the word NO has been making its way into my conciousness in so many places.  

Can you say NO??? For so many years, I couldn't. I was wracked with guilt that someone might not like me or I would look lazy or uncommitted.  Like so many women, my worthiness was tied to my busy-ness and what a mistake that was! In seeking to do more and prove something, I actually did less and did it less well. And boy, did I have a self-righteous chip on my shoulder.  So much unnecessary drama, so much unnecessary hurt and bitterness and anger. I got so tired of walking around that way.  Whether you love her or hate her, Oprah Winfrey contributed greatly to my journey of person/self-hood.  Her introduction to Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance changed my life, my perspective and my attitude. 

We never know what's going to happen to us from moment to moment, so constantly counting your blessings, stopping to breathe and reframe your response, and learning to say NO are three of the most important skills I learned to use to become a calmer, happier person.  It's not OK to constantly feel guilty, resentful and bitter. It hurts your health, it hurts your relationships, it hurts your bottom line. When I started saying no, it gave others a chance to say yes - then the work got spread around, other ideas (better than mine) were allowed in and projects/family/life got less difficult and more enjoyable. 

NO is a blessing - it is about setting healthy boundaries, taking care of yourself and giving others the opportunity to contribute. Let them give their gifts too, you'll have more satisfying, deeper relationships and perspectives as a result.

If you don't enjoy your life right now, look at your commitments. Cut them in half. Watch your life unfold into everything you want it to be. It is not your responsibility to keep your Messiah Complex going. It IS your responsibility to forgive yourself, take care of yourself and watch the opportunities you receive bloom into the ones you want to grow.  

We always have choices - see the PRACTICES page for information about choice points and how they impact the everyday. Remember, in an infinite universe, there is room for everyone - competition is an unnecessary component in a healthy life. Let go and say NO!!